Almost There: June Resolutions

Monday, June 3, 2013

June Resolutions

We updated you on our May report card earlier today, so it seemed like a good time to go ahead and spell out our goals for June. Once again, we're joining She Learns as She Goes in awesome monthly goal-setting (see her monthly goals here)!

Tyler Anne's Resolutions:

1. Have a successful first part of TV Inspiration: Lost! (What? Go here.)
If you didn't check this post then you need to get on that! Every week I should have a post up that has some kind of Lost-related content, whether that be a fun DIY that I tie in with the show or a post just about the show's writing. Either way, I want to make sure I do it every week and not get distracted!

2. Keep true to my "diet"
Lately I've been doing the whole counting calories business and trying to cut down my sugar intake. So far, doing both of those things has helped me to lose almost 10 pounds in the past month and a half. I feel great and I hope I keep it up until I hit my goal weight. (Which should be by the end of the month!)

3. Write 8 pages (or more!) everyday 
I've been chugging along with writing and I don't want to lose steam! Eight pages EVERYDAY is my goal! Holli mentioned that someone told her that Stephen King writes at least eight everyday. That may or may not be true but I figure it's a good a goal as any.

4. Read all the unread books currently on my Nook
I'll have to check later for the exact number but I'm pretty sure I have eight books on my Nookina that I have yet to read or finish. Now is the time! I hope to have them done-zo by the end of the month! A very fun goal, in my opinion.

Holli Anne's Resolutions:

1. Write every morning!
I go back and forth on the whole needing a consistent writing schedule to actually write. Maybe not everyone does, but for now, I do. I am committing to at least an hour every morning before I begin the day. It's not nearly enough time, but it's a reasonable goal to start with for now!

2. Keep up my running schedule
I made it to my 5K status, but now my goal is to improve at them. That means at minimum running three miles at least three times a week (and hopefully some extra on the "off" days). I also have been supplementing my off days with yoga, Pilates or some Insanity workouts to strengthen my legs, so I'll put keeping that up here.

3. Continue down the healthy eating track
My husband's doctor told him to quit eating gluten, so we've been pretty health conscious around here as a result. Lots of fruits and veggies and lean meat and less and less carbs and crap food. Our energy levels are definitely up! I've also been counting calories and hoping to keep those at my daily goals. It's mostly just a way to have some accountablity for what I am eating. 

4. Read my heart out!
This is sorta copying Tyler, but her goal reminded me—I, too, have a lot of unfinished books to read! I think I've started about four…maybe five…so I'm going to wrap those up this month.

5. Paint my house!
I'll give myself one more chance to accomplish this in June. I mean, it's HALF of one room. So ridiculous! 

Almost There Resolutions:

1. Be more active on our Facebook page
We love Facebook, but sometimes while we are managing other people's we neglect our own. This month we will get back in the groove of being Facebook awesome! Wanna join us? (here)

2. Stick to our blogging schedule
We're attempting this being organized thing again this month. We have our own personal blogging schedules we set every week and this month we want to meet that EVERYDAY. This includes our summer TV-inspired series on Lost and Parks and Recreation.

-The Annes

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