Almost There: May Resolutions

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Resolutions

We love Kelli's blog She Learns As She Goes and how she posts monthly resolutions, so we thought it would be a good idea for us to make some May goals for ourselves. What is easier and more tangible than a New Year's Resolution, after all? Monthly Resolutions, of course!

Holli Anne's Resolutions:

1. Run that 5K
I'll be finished with Couch to 5K at the end of the month, so I'm excited to be up to 3 mile status by June!

2. Write daily on my book
I'm the queen of procrastination. I will write and write, get stuck on something I need to research and then take my sweet time doing just that. No more! I have to write everyday this month. I'll tell you how many words I wrote at the end of the month, and by golly, it better be impressive!

3. Finish painting my house!
My goodness. It's just ridiculous that two months post marriage we still have one room left half-painted. Maybe if I put this goal here, it will get accomplished.

4. No boxes in my house
I want to do awesome things like decorate and make fun home decor, but most importantly, I need all the boxes out of my house!

Tyler Anne's Resolutions:

1. Get to that 75 percent marker of my book
As of right now I'm halfway done with the book I'm writing. Honestly, I'd love to completely finish the first draft by the end of May. Realistically, with all of my other work projects, I just don't see that happening. I'd be immensely pleased with myself if I could get to that 75 precent done marker!

2. Finish and distribute my super secret project for Almost There
Okay, so if you know me, this super secret project isn't that "secret." However, if you haven't recently talked to me and don't know what the heck is going on then I want to keep you in the dark a little while longer. All I can say is I think aspiring writers might just love it! I hope to have it finished and on Almost There's shop by the end of May!

3. Walk/jog for an hour everyday
Lately I've been getting into the habit of walking around the neighborhood for an hour during lunch. I want make this an everyday thing while transitioning from walking to jogging. My birthday was a few weeks ago and I'm pretty sure I ate my weight in sweets so I need to lose that weight pronto! Plus, it's wonderful time to brainstorm for Almost There and my book!

4. Find a place to put all of my books!!!!!
I fail this resolution EVERY MONTH but maybe I'll get lucky this time. I have hundreds of books that, since my recent move, have been in boxes! I hate, hate, HATE that! I'm the kind of person that loves to see their books and I have been known to reread some from time to time. I need to either purchase a ballin' few bookcases OR create my own! (And links or suggestions on this front would be awesome!)

Almost There Resolutions:

1. Evolve the writer side of this blog
It seems obvious that since we are both writers and since we both like chasing our dreams, that this would be a place for us to talk about writing. We've been working on incorporating this side of us into the blog with Laundromat Fiction and Writer Talk and we want to continue that!

2. Keep posting new prompts/discussions daily at Writer Talk
Writer Talk is a series on our blog, but it is also a Facebook group we started for writers to join and share in daily discussions and weekly writing prompts. It's a great place of encouragement so far and it's only just begun!

3. Bring more interviews/guest blogs to the site
What better way to inspire ourselves creatively than to read about how other creative people are chasing their dreams (or even better, living them already!) We were so excited about this interview with Josh from Blimey Cow, and we have several others in the works for this month. 

4. Work on our individual projects that we will put on Etsy
We opened our Etsy shop just this week for our first ecourse on social media. Now, we are both working on some individual projects and fun handmade things to add to the shop, so hopefully by the end of the month we'll have more to update on this!

Do you have any May resolutions? 

TO MAY! —The Annes

Kelli's May Resolutions can be found here.
Picture can be found on Holli's Instagram.

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