Almost There: Holli Anne's 2014: Week 3

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Holli Anne's 2014: Week 3

The beginning of this week was rough! Not in a bad way...just in a pregnant kind of way. Fatigue hit me in a whole new way and no matter what I did, I could NOT get enough energy.

As a result, I kind of did a minimal amount of inspirational things (or things in general). Finally by the middle of the week, I managed to get a second wind and accomplish some stuff, like taking down our Christmas decorations. (A snapshot of our first married Christmas is below!)

Here's the low-down on what's going on in Week 3, 2014:

Pins I'm pinning: Lots of furniture, nursery and home decor inspiration, especially since I wanted (and need) to be nesting these last few weeks before baby arrives. This baby nursery and this Ikea bed frame are really striking my fancy.

Books I'm reading: Eye Spy by Kevin J. Hallock...I'm trucking through but honestly, it's not really my cup of tea so far. I also started reading through the first draft of the book I wrote last year so I can begin making edits. Finally feeling inspired for that! Here's the "back of the book" synopsis.

Things I'm doing: Besides heavy napping and putting away Christmas, we've completely emptied our baby nursery for a fresh coat of paint and also bought a couple pieces of new furniture for our house (dining room table + dresser for baby clothes). I'm also enjoying the long weekend with my husband!

Stuff I'm drooling over: This line-up to the Shaky Knees Festival in Atlanta. Like, how good is this?!

Anyone have any highlights to share from their Week 3? Comment below!

Also, check out the Almost There blogs from this week: Inspiration: & Inspiration: Custom Kitchens

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